EarthDesk Turns 23!

First released in March 2002, we are celebrating EarthDesk's 23rd birthday with 23% savings on select products. Just checkout using the "Continue with Checkout" button and the discount will be applied. Thank you for supporting us for more than two decades.

Purchase an EarthDesk License
EarthDesk 7 for Mac or Windows
EarthDesk pricing starts at $24.99 for a new single user license and $12.99 for upgrades. Add-ons for multiple users and data subscriptions are available using the options below.
EarthDesk for Mac requires macOS 10.14 or newer.
EarthDesk for Windows requires Windows 7 or newer.
When ordering an upgrade, please provide your previous license key on the next page of the order process.
Single user licenses are valid for 2 computers. Additional seats allow use on more computers simultaneously.
Data Subscriptions run for 1 year and include Precision Clouds, Earthquakes, Tropical Storms and display of the International Space Station. You can save nearly 60% on your subscrition when bundled with EarthDesk.
Incomplete Selection
Please select an option in all four menus above.
Buy or Renew Subscription
For Existing EarthDesk License
Supports both Mac and Windows.
For users who have EarthDesk.
From EarthDesk for Windows
To EarthDesk for Mac
From EarthDesk for Mac
To EarthDesk for Windows
Exisitng license terms apply.

Use the above options to add a new platform (Mac/Windows) to your existing license.

EarthDesk is also available for Apple TV.

See the world in stunning 4K resolution on your large screen TV.

Purchase on your iPhone (not iPad) or search
for "EarthDesk TV" on your Apple TV.